Rib Fest Picnic 2015

On June 26th, Atlas held it’s first annual Rib Fest Picnic with great success! Seven employees cooked their own special rib recipe which were then handed out to our own employee judges and anyone who wanted a finger licking lunch. After much deliberation, Kevin Tutt was declared the winner! Second and third place went to Norma Padrnos-Usset and Matt Evans respectively. Although only three could be picked to win the Rib Fest contest, every rib recipe was mouthwatering. Great job to all!

What a great turn out, can’t wait for the next!

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Xavier has always been captivated by the intricate dance between technology and manufacturing. His journey began in Minnesota, working for a local manufacturing company, and this early experience laid the foundation for his deep-rooted connection to the industry. With a family legacy in manufacturing, Xavier's insights are enriched by both personal and professional experiences. Over the years, he has dedicated himself to exploring and writing about the transformative impact of technology on the manufacturing sector. As a guest blogger on Atlas Manufacturing, Xavier shares his unique perspective, weaving together stories of innovation, tradition, and the future of manufacturing.