2017 Sales Meeting

Atlas Manufacturing held a sales meeting at Mystic Lake on March 1st for our teams of Manufacturers’ Representatives and Sales Staff. The meeting was held to discuss ways we all can work together to better serve the needs of our current and future customers. The theme of the event was “Don’t gamble on your future, hit the jackpot with Atlas in 2017.”

Throughout the event, a variety of trophies and awards were given out. One of our team members, Bill, took home the Prospector Award and Rich took the title of Best Gambler Award. The meeting was followed by a blackjack tournament.  It was a great team building event; everyone had a great time and shared a lot of laughs. Thank you to Mystic Lake for hosting us! This was an outstanding event that we learned a lot from. We look forward to applying this in working with our great customers in 2017!

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Xavier has always been captivated by the intricate dance between technology and manufacturing. His journey began in Minnesota, working for a local manufacturing company, and this early experience laid the foundation for his deep-rooted connection to the industry. With a family legacy in manufacturing, Xavier's insights are enriched by both personal and professional experiences. Over the years, he has dedicated himself to exploring and writing about the transformative impact of technology on the manufacturing sector. As a guest blogger on Atlas Manufacturing, Xavier shares his unique perspective, weaving together stories of innovation, tradition, and the future of manufacturing.